Leading you to better skin.

Brow & Lash Tinting and Lash Extensions


A great way to have amazing eyes all the time....They don't run from teary allergy eyes, crying or sleeping! If you take good care of them, they will last for weeks! I use different widths, curls and lengths to give you an amped up but natural look with the goal of you not needed mascara...ever!  


Starter Set - $125 (Adds 30-35 longer lashes to each eye to make an amazing and noticeable difference about 1.5 hours)

Full Set - $250 & UP (2.5 hours for about 60 lashes)

2-3 Week Fill - $65 (1 hour - As low as $50 if you sign up for auto-pay)

 4 Weeks Fill - $95 (About 1.5 hours)

 Clean & Reseal $15 (Your lashes will last longer a bit of professional maintenance!)


Dying of your brow and/or lash hairs with a 2-3% developer mixed with pigment to match your specific coloring. Brow color will compliment your hair color and we use a deep blue-black for the richest lash color. The effect is more prominent on lighter hairs and lasts 3-4 weeks.  


Lash Tint $20

Brow Tint $15

Brow Shaping $20